By the Numbers
of Americans with heart disease first learn they have heart disease by having a heart attack.
that’s how many times you need to laugh to get the same amount of exercise as 15 minutes on a stationary bike.
of heart attacks are preventable.
is how much more you will eat by entering your home near the kitchen instead of the front door.
of heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterols.
that’s how much more fat is contained in chicken compared to 40 years ago.
of angiograms done electively (not an emergency) show NO DISEASE.
that’s the amount of wattage your brain operates on. To give you some perspective, a clothes dryer works on 4,400 watts and a typical nightlight works on 5 watts.
of angiograms done electively (not an emergency) show nothing that requires a stent or angioplasty.
that’s how much you lower your risk of early death simply through 30 minutes of physical activity 6 days a week.
of angiograms result in death.
that’s how much more fat you can burn by exercising in the morning on an empty stomach.
of angiograms result in extended hospital stays due to complications (including death).
is the amount of extra calories per day from sugar that a typical person consumes (worldwide average), which is roughly the amount of calories needed to gain a pound a week.
6 out of 7…
people who go on to have a heart attack will be missed on a stress test
the rise in your risk of a heart attack if you have had chemotherapy.
that’s how many minutes of heat your body gives off to boil a gallon of water.
the rise in the risk of a heart attack with a diagnosis of gum disease.
the rise in your heart attack risk when you brush your teeth once a day instead of twice.
the rise in your heart attack when you brush your teeth less than once a day, compared to twice.
is the minimum increase heart attacks and stroke risk caused by any inflammatory condition. That number goes way up from there, and in fact, inflammation is the source of nearly ALL heart attacks and strokes.
30,000 miles of arteries… 35,000 miles of capillaries… 30,000 miles of veins…
The heart is a pump the size of a fist. Conventional medicine would have us believe that the heart pumps blood through that maze all day, every day, moving about a gallon every minute. Logic would simply tell us that’s not possible, yet it is what the medical establishment says....